The party game born by accident at a bachelor party in a Miami Airbnb.
LET’S GO!, is an engaging card game that combines elements of luck, social strategy, and friendly competition, making it the perfect activity for groups. Think of it as the wild and spirited group version of the classic card game "War," but with simple rules and a little social strategy. While it may not claim to revolutionize the gaming world, we can guarantee that it will fill your time with laughter, a little suspense, and most importantly, fun memories with your friends.

LET’S GO! Was created, designed, developed, and self-published by Oscar Carrillo.
Native to San Jose, Costa Rica, Oscar is a former professional ballet dancer turned Creative Director and brand strategist.
Dear independent retailers:
Interested in selling LET'S GO!? Reach out to oscar@letsgogameofficial.com for more information.